#1 South Dakota PPC Agency

Our Credentials

Reach Over 1 Million People Per/Month with PPC Advertising Services. Start running ads on Google and Bing and transform your digital presence.

Badimon Group PPC Ads

Drive Revenue from Paid Search
With South Dakota PPC Agency

Are you ready to skyrocket business revenue? Look no further than our South Dakota PPC and digital agency, where we create targeted PPC campaigns to put your brand in front of the right audience at the right time. 

Our seasoned PPC professionals will meticulously optimize your campaigns, ensuring maximum visibility, high click-through rates, and ultimately, an increase in conversions. 

When you partner with Badimon Group, leverage the power of our unrivaled digital marketing expertise, cutting-edge tools, and personalized services. Start with paid search advertising and get closer to achieving your sales targets.

Why Hire Us As Your South Dakota
PPC Agency

Badimon Group has been recognized for result-oriented South Dakota PPC services for more than a decade. Find out what makes us a sought-after choice.

Comprehensive PPC Audit

Certified Google Partner

Dedicated PPC Ads Service

Custom PPC Ads

Customer-Driven PPC Agency

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)

Performance Reporting

Monthly Custom Reports

PPC Marketing Services
in South Dakota

At Badimon Group, our PPC advertising services help businesses get their brand offerings in front of high-intent users. Discover what more to expect from us.

Keyword Research & Analysis

Our  South Dakota PPC services company studies user behavior to determine which search phrases they are likely to Google. We work towards identifying and cataloging popular keywords that resonate with your target audiences’ interest and search intent.

Paid Search Advertising

Lift your brand position to the top of search results with our specialized PPC agency in South Dakota. We optimize your ad targeting strategies for Google, Bing and other popular social media platforms. Maximize returns on your ad spend and pave the road for future growth opportunities.

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)

Our PPC ads services include  crafting compelling ads, conducting A/B testing on  landing page designs and developing user-friendly lead capture forms. Push more and more leads down the sales funnel, thereby multiplying business profitability.

Landing Page Conversion

Boost lead generation with high-quality landing pages for lead generation. We specialize in creating compelling headlines, leveraging high-performing keywords, crafting engaging content, and implementing clear calls-to-action (CTAs) on landing pages that drive desirable outcomes.

Bing & Google Ads Management

Our South Dakota PPC agency professionally manages your paid ads campaigns on Google Ads and Bing.  From initial planning to campaign setup and optimization, we strive to meet your marketing goals without increasing your advertising budget.

Remarketing Campaigns

Our PPC marketing services create remarketing ads to attract site visitors who have demonstrated interest in purchasing your product or service.  We work with clients to ensure your PPC ads do not annoy and instead are well-received, driving positive sales lead conversions. 

Badimon Group

We Create Unique PPC Ads Campaigns That Help Your Business Grow

PPC Ads can generate traffic right away. It’s simple: Spend enough, get top placement, and potential customers will see your business first. Pay Per Click marketing is a model of advertising that allows Badimon Group’s marketers to pay only when their ad is clicked by an online user. Search engines like Google and Bing make pay per click advertising available on an auction basis where the highest bidder typically earns the most prominent placement

"Let's Connect and Ignite Your Marketing Success!"

Different Types of PPC Ads

At Badimon Group,  we craft highly effective PPC ads tailored to your specific business goals. We work with clients to run paid ads on Google and other platforms. 

Search Ads

Search ads appear when users are searching for your product or service online. A great option for one-time PPC campaign promotions.

Display Ads

Scale brand awareness to new heights. Displayed in the form of a banner, image, or even text on websites that you browse. Recommended for  luxury brands and businesses.

Remarketing Ads

Remarketing ads give a soft nudge to users who have already shown interest in your brand offerings.  Leveraging the use of smart ad extensions to drive positive  results for your PPC campaign.

Social Media Ads

Social media paid ads appear on social media platforms, such as Facebook, and Youtube. Tailored to reach prospects who use social media for shopping products or services.

Check our PPC Ads Rates

BUDGET Up to $3.7K

Flat Fee $599/month

BUDGET $3.7K to $5K

Fee equal 16% of your monthly click expenses 

BUDGET $5K To $10K

Fee equal 13% of your click monthly expenses

BUDGET Over $10K

Fee equal to 9% of your click monthly expense

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Frequently Asked Questions

The total cost associated with running a PPC ad campaign can vary, depending on factors such as 

  • The nature of your industry
  • The size and type of business
  • The marketing budget allocated 
  • Any specific service required 

You can start off with a flat $2,500 per month and can increase the ad spending to up to  $10,000 or more per month. You can increase the investment as returns start pouring in. 

Contact Us and request a free quote.

Starting a PPC campaign includes the following steps:  

  • Determine the marketing platform 
  • Conduct keyword research and analysis 
  • Fix marketing budget 
  • Setup Google ads campaign 
  • Performance tracking and optimization 
  • Client reporting 

Our Delray Beach PPC agency collaborates with clients to set up and manage campaigns. Have questions? Happy to help.

Contact Us

Our PPC agency can run paid ads on most common platforms, including 

  • Google Ads 
  • Bing Ads 
  • Facebook Ads 
  • Twitter Ads 

Each platform has its own set of pros and cons.  How about we discuss it over a strategy call? We have the best industry talent to drive your PPC campaigns.

Absolutely. Paid ads rule the top spots on search engine results pages, occupying more estate for users. Typically, those who click on paid ads have high intent to buy a product or service, unlike organic traffic. 

With our PPC ads services,  we ensure your ads are targeted to drive positive results only, such as inquiries and filled contact us forms. These data-driven actions are likely to convert, thus adding to your business’s bottom line.